Category Archives: Nybakat!

Listen to my CD’s

I’ve updated my CD page with players for some of the CD’s I produced. Come on over and have a listen at My CD’s. If you buy the recordings from the provided link (all mp3’s, some actual CD’s) you will be supporting me and by co-musicians in the best possible way, with the least money going to “the man”…

Feel free to share the players as well.

Israel Tour with Nybakat!

It’s time to play some jazz again! My beloved jazz quartet “Nybakat!” are doing a tour in Israel after a little warm up gig in Café Mazarin in Bro, Sweden. We have been invited by the festival Jazz Globus in Jerusalem and has tagged on a little tour with gigs in Tel Aviv and Mitzpe Ramon as well. Have a look at the clip below from a concert we did in Sweden Summer 2011.

Nybakat! at Östhammars Kyrka

Here’s a YouTube playlist with songs from Nybakat!’s concert at Östhammars Kyrka 7/7 2011. It was part of Östhammars Musikdagar and we had just done our first tour of the UK. It was great to finish with a concert in a beautiful Swedish town on the bright evening of a gorgeous summer day.

Flamencophone on

We got this mail:

To Nybakat:

We added one of your tracks to “Flamencophone” is playing on our Straight-Ahead channel. Check it out at

So now I’ll have to listen to this station for hours just to hear my own song being played. Actually, I’m really pleased about this. This tune is dedicated to my flamenco dancing grandmother Barbro and even though I know she would say that it’s not really flamenco I’m sure she’d be really happy too.

Ny skiva med Nybakat! på gång

Jag, Ira, Vlad och Markus har varit i SAMIstudion med Nybakat! och spelat in. Vi har nog med material för 1 1/2 skiva så vi måste välja lite. Jag personligen tycker illa om alltför långa skivor men den blir nog över 50 minuter i alla fall. Nuförtiden spelar det kanske mindre roll om man ändå lyssnar på låtarna i mp3-spelare och blandar ordningen. Vi har i alla fall inga traditionella låtar med på den skivan utan har fokuserat på egna kompositioner. Alla bidrar med musik även om Ira har skrivit flest. Vi har provat flera av låtarna live innan och fått god respons. Jag har med två låtar, Flamencophone tillägnad min mormor och Den Sista Isbjörnens Dans.

Skivan släpps tidigast innan jul.